A few days
ago I bumped into an interesting error where the backup of some virtual
machines that where managed via System Center Virtual Machine Manager or SCVMM
kept failing and never could create a Recovery Point. The backup job ended with
the same error code that was ID 30111 or 0x800423F4.
As always
when it comes to troubleshooting DPM (I should write a blogpost regarding this…)
is to verify the dependent technology that DPM “integrates” with when it comes
to deliver the backup or restore job for the protected Data Sources.
Since all
VSS’s was reporting Healthy I moved on the trouble shooting to VMM itself. When
DPM makes a backup of a virtual machine it verifies the internal VSS’s present
in the virtual OS before it makes a snapshot of the virtual machine.
In this
case in VMM I right clicked the server in production that I couldn’t get a
backup of and choose properties. In the properties for the virtual machine I
choose the “Hardware Configuration” and under “Advanced” in the scroll list I
choose the “Integration Services”.
I unchecked
the “Backup (volume snapshot)” and saved the configuration to the VM. When that
job was done I re-enabled the “Backup (volume snapshot)” again.
After I initialized
the “Integration Service” for Backup I was able to get the backups up and
running again.
underestimate the power of re-initializing an “Integration Service”.
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